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Part 1: Goblins, Ambush, and the Quest

Plot Overview

The story kicks off with a classic D&D trope: a simple caravan escort quest that quickly turns into a goblin ambush.

To start, the players will be sent on a seemingly simple quest. Make sure the goods make it to Phandalin and you will be rewarded. Encourage role play by asking your party members to explain what first brought them here, why they need the money, etc. If needed, encourage the role play by acting as the bartender NPC, they can sprinkle some information about Sildar and Gundren but engage the players to learn more about them, as well.

To breathe life into this introductory encounter:

Tip 1: Foreshadowing and Mystery

  • Sprinkle hints about the Redbrands, the mysterious group causing trouble in the region, during the journey. This adds an air of mystery and connects seemingly isolated events.

Tip 2: Character Hooks

  • Tie each character's backstory into the initial quest, giving players a personal stake in the mission. Perhaps one character has a history with goblins, while another seeks information about the Redbrands for personal reasons.

Tip 3: Dynamic Ambush

  • Turn the ambush into a dynamic encounter by adding environmental elements. A rickety bridge that threatens to collapse, a thunderstorm that affects visibility, or even a surprise twist like an NPC ally appearing to aid the party. (see my characters page for NPC options!)

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